Sunday, July 19, 2009

Good morning! We're getting ready to launch the RV on the water!

Ok not really. But there's a lot of small RV parks along the Oregon
coast and even though it's beautiful, it's really hard to appreciate -
you have to see it first! We drove about a hundred miles up along the
coast before we actually saw a *glimpse* of it. We couldn't help but
compare it (as we oftentimes do with almost anything wherever we are)
to California's ruggedly beautiful -not to mention mosty accessible-

So last night we stayed at one of the parks at Rockaway Beach along
HW101. We paid 25 bucks just for an over-nighter and we didn't even
bother to hook up.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

This is how we camp. (Aka "Who's trailer trash now?")

High on top of the hills of Wyoming, we parked the RV on a secluded
spot with a dead-on view of the Grand Teton.

"I don't know anyone who camps like us", Chris says. I agree. We
visited the RV parks and designated camping spots inside the Grand
Teton National Park yesterday and sure enough we were greeted with RVs
by the hundreds parked one after the other. This isn't camping, this
is an outdoor mall.

So, like we often do, we steered as far away as possible from the
chaos in search of forest roads where we can settle and be one with
nature, without the hoards of tourist-campers.

This morning I woke up with a majestic sunrise view of the Tetons from
our king sized bed. I didn't even need to lift my head to see it.

"Roughing it" has never been this fun.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Racing with a storm cloud in Bismarck

Thunder, lightning and hail greeted us in Bismarck, North Dakota. It
was strong, loud, and scary. Good thing we are driving away from the

North Dakota! Theodore Roosevelt National Park

At the Badlands Overlook

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The 10PM sunset in Montana/North Dakota border.

In a big country dreams stay with you. Beautiful Big Sky Country, Montana.

Rolling hills, pasture lands with clouds parading across the wide open
sky. Interstate 90 across Montana.