Okay, many of you asked "what else do you need?" (including my mom) for my Book of Quarters, so I thought I'd post it here.
If you didn't know yet, US quarters aren't released all at the same time in their respective states. Well, not since 1999 as far as I know. The 50 State Quarters program is on a 10-yr schedule which started from 1999 and is ending in 2008 (almost there!)
As you could see, I need Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Indiana on the left page, and New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming on the right. The Wyoming quarter came out last Sept. 3rd, and Utah will be on Nov. 5th. If you click here you'll see the full schedule and what else is left to be released in the following year. I will gladly accept donations of my missing quarters - and put an end to this madness :-)
I was doing laundry this afternoon and found a South Dakota quarter. So scratch that off the list. I'm one quarter closer to my sanity.
Meanwhile, we are back in the Bay Area (APPLAUSE!!!!) taking care of business. Did you know that your travelers are now designers? Interior designers. Goodness. Ladies and gentlemen, we have the gene! While trying to sell our condo before we left for travel, one of the "well-heeled" (read: owns his own jet) unit-owners looked at our place and liked it so much he employed us on the spot to do his office-slash-home in the building. This office has the most magnificent views of the bay, the marina, the bridge, the mountains where the sun rises; it's so big you can later view the sunset, too, on the other side of the house!
So now, instead of dealing with patients, nurses, reports and crazy people, Chris manages the suppliers, vendors, client/s and contractors while aiding me and a female colleague in design ideas and he juggles them effortlessly as if he was Philippe Starck in a past life.He and I with my expertise in graphic design, marketing and exceptionally beyond-average-breakfast-preparation skills have been propelled into a career we both have no professional experience with (other than what we've accomplished with our own place), but definitely have lots of interest and enthusiasm for. (Who knew all those hours watching HGTV would pay off?) As for our home, we decided to keep it (it's a horrendous market anyway), and since we only have to be in Canada 51% of the time as immigrants, we can ping-pong back and forth between here and there.
By the way, I love saying "ping pong" and I happen to be very good at playing it. That is the only form of tennis I excel in, along with "Top Spin" for XBox.
But fret not, we will keep the postings coming as we have accumulated quite a lot of experiences with the places we visited, and we would love to share them with you. With this new lifestyle (and new-found freedom!) we will be able to travel and work at the same time. The posts are delayed, and hopefully we'll be able to catch up when we travel again. Just think of them like watching Friends or Seinfeld reruns that you've never seen before. You know it's out-dated, but it's still fun to watch!Everyone, we miss you and love you all and Fox and Spencer send their licks and kisses your way!
21 hours ago
OMG Rikki!!! You have more state quarters than I do. I started it when the first quarter came out. Didn't you just start it recently? Love reading all your blog entries AND seeing pics of the places you guys have visited. Keep it coming. Please post before and after pics of the condo you two are redesigning.
love the updates!!!! so when are you going to
come visit me in LA when you're done with your
Welcome back!
You dorkus. I too am a state quarter collector. I remember thinking back in 1999, "I feel really bad for the 80 year olds living hawaii. It's like they know they'll never live to see their quarter."
Bless their souls.
Louis - Take us to Alaska on your next trip!
Juanita - yeah i didn't even know that there's such a thing as a US state quarter collection - but my dad gave me one of his (that's like dork to the power of 2!) hahaha, but I love him, and so now i have a collection of my own! its nice because it gives us a reason to go to those states we've never been before - and it feels more authentic when you get it from the REAL state... not just some quarter you picked up on the subway floor or in that creepy playground where all the homeless hang out.
We will make sure to post pictures of the before and after for all of you! (but its a 3-stage renovation process) so not til next year! XOXOXO miss you.
Oh and Michael - never lose faith in the power of prayer to live longer than a hundred. That plus lots and lots of Multi-vitamins with Extreme Caffeinated Taro Flavoring With A Hint of Macadamia (supposedly taken after a meal of fried chicken, SPAM, rice and pineapple macaroni salad served on a bed of banana leaves).
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Thanks for reading this. U guys rock.
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