Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Spencer: "What View?"

Move, move, move. That's all we do.

Every time this house rolls away I try to show them my discontent, but my howling only seem to please them. They think it's cute. So I stopped. I would just hide behind the sofa where there's a gap between the seat and the wall and it's hard for them to reach me. And that really pisses them off. Something about "expensive leather" and "scrape marks" every time I claw my way out. So they banned me from going in there with funny smelling sprays (They don't know anything about the potent smells I'm capable of) . Anyway I just sleep under the bed or on the bunk. It's nice up here especially when we're moving. There are windows all around and the pictures keep changing! Well, I better sit and act nonchalant before they think I'm beginning to enjoy this, too.

Hey is anyone fixing my dinner yet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a smart cat you are, Spencer! How I wish I could hug and kiss you. MEOW!!!